Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy Spring!

Looking at the first sunset of Spring I am reminded of the beauty of new beginnings.  For some the thought of new beginnings can be scary - "how can I break out of my regular routine, my comfort zone, and step into something unfamiliar?"  It's at springtime, for most people, change seems to hold the most promise.  With the cold, gray days of winter people long for the outdoors, the warmth of sunshine and for the green of nature.   The funny thing is that in the last months of winter, the seeds of spring are already warming, we just can't see it.  The energy has been building underground, in the earth below our feet, unseen to our eyes.  Our thoughts often wander to new beginnings at times, yet when the moment of actually making that change - we sometimes hold back.  

Imagine for a moment the beauty of the crocus flowers, forsythia bushes and sweet pansies.  The rainbow of colors that has been tucked away, asleep under winter's blanket, however with a few warm spring days, all of a sudden they have burst forth with a vibrancy that delights and inspires.  You have all the potential of these beautiful flowers that are just about to emerge.  No matter the situation you are in, you can burst forth and live a brighter and more vibrant life.  If you are feeling stuck, once again, I invite you to think of the flowers.  The ground has to freeze and these hardy plants have to endure frigid conditions for weeks and sometimes many months.  See yourself as your favorite spring flower, and know that your time to bloom begins now.  As you move about your day to day activities think about the changes you would like to make and start to make simple steps to bring those changes about.

If you like to plant seeds and grow things - here's a simple idea with each seed you plant - set the intention for yourself as to how you would like to grow.  Would you like to grow into a new job, hobby or relationship?  Perhaps you are looking for peace of mind or a few minutes to yourself every day, literally plant it!  Write your intention on a piece of paper and put it into the pot or into the ground.  As you nurture the plant, think of nurturing yourself and give it the same care and consideration you would like to feel.  See the time you spend with the plant as time that you are spending with yourself.

Take the empty seed packets and write an encouraging note sticking out of it such as "I believe in you" to a yourself and put it in your journal, so it will be there next winter so that it will serve as a reminder next year's spring.

Don't feel like planting?  Take a walk and notice the greening of the grass the buds on the trees - nature's promise of spring renewed showing itself around you.  Take a few minutes to sit on the grass and feel the energy as it radiates from the ground, feel the energy flow through you - encouraging you, and supporting you to make a change or to step into the slow of a new opportunity.

The earth is waking up, it is time to come out of your long winter slumber and reconnect to find yourself and energize you as you step out onto your path.  Envision yourself walking with that spring green energy flowing from your heart and know that you are truly supported as you step forward to make positive changes.