Tuesday, January 20, 2015

New Moon Mandalas - A place to look deeper into your the energy on your path.

My new moon gift to you! Thoughts to stir and shift your energies as we begin the next cycle. Sea Glass mandalas, winter, spring, summer and fall. I made these images from different selections from my sea glass collection. There are faces, hearts and other designs that will appear upon looking deeper. Which do you resonate with? If you are interested in purchasing these mandalas as prints, please contact me.
Representing the recluse, the hermit, hibernation, quieting down and going inward. Life is still and silent. This is a time to do your mirror work and release what doesn't serve you. Find ways to ice skate through winter whites as a means of gaining purity and clarification.

Spring is a time of fresh beginnings, promise and renewal. Awaken and feel refreshed and prepare for your soulful debut! Sow the seeds and set intention as the growing energies are with you.

Vital energies! A time for growing and enjoying the world around you. There are no shadows in the sun as the days are longer and you find yourself outside more. Be bold, be bright, be you!

It is a season of transition, it embodies a time of change and brilliance. It is a time to prepare for the winter ahead and enjoy all of your hard work as you collect your abundance. Your harvest is only as good as the work that you've done. Share the love as well, and go about creating community in preparation for the isolation of winter.

Monday, January 5, 2015

You are pulsating with possibility in the new year!

As I sit here looking at the new, blank calendar for 2015, the realm of so many possibilities seems so fresh and open.  While the world still seems to be in a bit of a slumber, I can already notice the few extra minutes of light in everyday.  I can feel the energy slowly coming back and I think to myself, why wait until spring to fully emerge.  Now is the time to fill that calendar with dreams and desires, instead of pulling the covers up over my head and hibernating.  Now grant you, I love a nap as much as the next gal, but I want to keep this flow of energy going.  Sometimes when you come to a full stop, it's hard to get back to speed quickly.  I always like to say, I have a little something cooking somewhere.  Plus, at this point in the year who doesn't want to have some things to look forward to on their calendar.  Take this moment to spend some time with you.

These plans for the calendar may include doing something just for you that you didn't have time to do last year, maybe it could be as simple as offering your services and time to others.  Personally, when I start thinking about either of those things it instantly causes me to look deeper and ask myself some questions.  What did I really enjoy?  How am I feeling spiritual fulfillment?  What was some of the feedback I heard from people I worked with last year?   How did I handle the unexpected?  What chances did I take?  Don't worry if you didn't meet your expectations or if you had some setbacks, they are only temporary and they could actually serve to propel us further.

     (Winter tree - a view from the top... It's all about perspective and looking at things your own special way!)

Be compassionate with yourself and honor the joy and clarity that may have come along your path over the last year.  Laugh, cry, be astonished with yourself and hold close to your heart the memory of it all.  How has it shaped you into looking at the new calendar before you?  Each date on the calendar offers you endless possibilities - if you can just believe it for this moment.  You might want to focus on taking more chances, taking more time for yourself or maybe you're ready to be more in the giving space this time around.  What are ways you can serve your highest good and when was the last time you felt really connected?  Be open to making and maintaining your connections because that keeps you in the flow and OUT of hibernation.  Write down some affirmations on random dates or post sticky notes with dates (be they real or imagined) and what you want to accomplish and put them on your fridge, your mirror or your car.  Don't concentrate on the date, rather focus on the journey to get there.

Your power to manifest pulses with possibility!  Just visualize those words for a moment - "pulsing with possibility!"  Now grab that pen and write your ideas, hopes and dreams on your calendar, or maybe you might want to jump in even bigger and create a vision board.  Whatever you choose to do to manifest the life you want and live it to the fullest - you are pulsing with possibility, and I believe in you!